
Monday, September 2, 2013


I still wouldn't have any, but if someone else figures out how I'd be first in line to buy it.
House projects, puppies, plumbing problems and pneumonia along with a full time job have kept me hopping and given me little to no stitching time. Not enough time for sleeping either! I even multitask when I'm checking facebook!

I did manage a few stitches on Phuan the past 2 Fridays, and by a few I mean maybe 30 to 50 stitches each time. Loved it.


I'm contemplating a major project in the next year or so. There is pretty much no way it will ever fit on 18 ct. so I'm experimenting with smaller counts. 28 count is a no go. Lesli sent me a piece of 25 ct. DMC Magic Guide)(Thank you Lesli) and I am playing with it now. It looks better on the frame, what doesn't? but I'm not sure I'll be able to continue on frame because of my neck problems and my in hand stitching with it looks lumpy. On frame is ok with 2 over 1 half crosses  but my tension needs work.

I've been 'sneaking' in a little crochet, just to see if I could. So long as I don't do it for more than 5 minutes at a time it has been ok, anything over that and the pain starts. Knitting is still out of the question.

Pattern sale. I shouldn't have spent the money but I had planned it in advanced that when Simplicity patterns went on sale I'd pick up two of their retro patterns. Ran in yesterday on the way home from the hardware store and picked up these two.

Unfortunately my obsession with maxi dresses ended up in two others, one picked by my DH and one by me.

Can you guess who picked which pattern?

The sewing room/stitching room that was supposed to be set up this weekend is only 1/4 done due to multiple unforeseen  circumstances but I did manage to carve out enough space to sit and stitch so while practicing on the 25ct. I'm starting this, which you may recall was an RAK back in May of this year.

I've been longing to stitch her in any case.

Happy Holiday and Happy stitching 'till next time.


Emma/Itzy said...

When I am busy I love those precious few stitches, a moment of calm :) I love the 1940s retro dress! I used 25ct magic guide most of the time now, I love it! I usually do 2 over 1 tent or 1 over 1 cross.

Julie said...

Just 15 minutes of peace and calm in an others hectic schedule makes all the difference to a project.

sharine said...

Love those dress patterns!

Mama Dog said...

Absolutely loved getting in those short stitching times. Peace and calm is right Julie!

Anonymous said...

A shame you had so little stitching time, but it looks like you used it well.
I bought 2 of those patterns myself, and now I'm thinking one of those maxi dresses looks a blast.
You've been through hell this past year or two honey but it is hopefully winding down. Hang in there!
