
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Weekend Update

I was working extra hours after the Holiday, so not as much progress as I might have liked this week, but still, I'm pleased there is anything at all. First up, Sunday through Wed. was (as always) Mini Soul Mates.  As always, the pics look better if you click them.



It was a bit of a push to finish the end of the row.

Next was Basilisk, which saw woefully little stitching this rotation, though it always feels slower due to the confetti, this time it hardly grew at all between Wed. and Friday. Still, I'm happy I was able to get anything at all done with all that has been going on.

I am officially on Vacation beginning Monday. I will probably stick to my rotation but there is a part of me that wants to go ahead and make a new start, and a part of me that says, screaming rotation for vacation! See how it just about rhymes? So who knows? Either way, hopefully there will be a day or two of quality stitching time in the next week or so assuming we don't melt into a puddle from the still over a hundred degree days we are having.

Hope you folks are having as much fun with your stitching as I am!


Unknown said...

SO excellent another row finished on Mini Soul Mates.

Enjoy your vacation. Go with the flow.

Anonymous said...

Loving watching your progress and very interested in your rotation as I find it fascinating. Do you take part in any other SAL's beside the non-haed one?